Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Pi day!!!

Happy Pi day to nerds and pie eaters alike! On this amazing day, everyone honors the number pi, and fills up on all kinds of fruit filled pastries! (Our personal favorite is strawberry rhubarb, how about you?) For the slightly undereducated nerd, here is a little history on everyone's favorite eating holiday. A great man named Larry Shaw invented pi day in 1988. It was celebrated in the San Francisco Exploratorium, where he worked as a physicist. It was celebrated by marching around one of the circular spaces and then eating pies. Yummy, right? On pi day in 2004, Daniel Tammet recited the first 22,514 digits of pi. I don't know about you, but that is just way too much thinking for me. Cleverness is not usually people's strong suite, but they sure were clever in that they made today, 3/14 pi day, as the first three digits of pi are 3.14.
So go out there! Eat some pie! Find out the circumference of circles! Have fun!


  1. "Find out the circumference of circles! Have fun!"

    I have to say, those two things seem mutually exclusive!

    Enjoy your pi(e)!

  2. I hope you enjoyed your pi day celebration this morning! :-)

  3. Clever, though i grieve for that day was pieless for me :(
